Here and There

Read me a story,
And I’ll write you a line.
Tell me of a place that I couldn’t find.
Said I’ll be there when you get here,
And that was no lie.
God’s honest truth, I’ve been here since July.

~ A.

28 thoughts on “Here and There

  1. That was wonderful, Art. God!!! I love and loved it more the second time I read it. Beautiful. Thank you!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. lol *Dusty swoons*. Write a book, god damn it. but seriously, I love that you have the resolve not to publish nothing but the best. Because like, good poems don’t fall out of me every day. I hated having to publish anything other than what I loved, in this class. And the pressure to produce something every day blocked me, in a way. Maybe I am just out of the hang of it. I dunno but I am glad that class is over.

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    1. Finally!!…Finally!…Someone who shares the exact same sentiments…Where have you been all this time? (Here, as in WP of course. But I’m sure you catch my drift.) I thought I could hack the a poem I day thing. I really tried. But those assignments kept coming. I got stuck on the limerick. I stopped bothering with it. Skipped to the ode. I’m still stuck on the third verse. Eventually though, I think I’ll finish and publish it just to be done with it and throw my hands up and surrender. This poetry thing isn’t as easy as it looks.
      I was really excited about the prose poetry assignment. All I manged to get was s jumble of words and and idea of a story.
      I think everyone has their own personal groove/method thing and you shouldn’t beat yourself up if you’re kind of falling behind. (I do feel guilty 😦 )
      And your poems were awesome. I loved the realness you put in there. And as creepy as this sounds, I do go over and look at them from time to time in my inbox 🙂
      …So now you know you have a stalker. Sorry, I let that slip.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! I’m glad I’m not alone in that unable-to-crank-out-a-poem-a-day category! God, Art, I love your writing. And, I’ve always wanted my own personal stalker. Likewise you too. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Shit. I meant not to publish *anything*, etc. I still hate typos, and grammatical errors, despite what my About page says.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. PS Have you ever been nominated for The Liebster Award? Do you have under 200 followers? Thanks 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Dusty 😉

      To answer your question: Nope,I haven’t been nominated for a Liebster award, which is okay I guess considering how much I’m terrified of getting awards. My follower count right now at 10.10pm, is 65…gah!!…I’m thinking that if I hit 5000, then I’ll finally be able to perform miracles…I’m still waiting …

      Liked by 1 person

      1. (You slay me). Well good, then I’m nominating you. Unless you don’t want me to, because being nominated, the process after, is a sh*tload of work. Actually, scratch that. I’m nominating you, then YOU can always decline. PS I keep telling my writing thingy at wpadmin writing NOT to change my smileys to actual smileys but it keeps doing it. Arrgh! WTF! I want the good ol’ days when a smiley is a colon and parenthesis!! 😉 I do not like those lil icon things. Some things are sacred!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I guess I should have written to each blogger I nominated but decided to do it all in a post. Sloppy? Probably. I was trying to do LESS work on here, not more lol!!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. PS I don’t know the word for a single parenthesis. Is that <— it?


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