18 thoughts on “Tanked Tanka?

    1. Hi Dusty!!!!!! (sorry for the multiple exclamation marks, I’d add more but that would be very indecent) Yeah, I signed up for this poetry class since I’d figured it would be a great way to learn from poetry masters … and now I know that I can’t count syllables to save my life 😦
      Nice to see you here too, by the way ;-).

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  1. Yes you can, count syllables. Each syllable is one beat, and the first line/sentence of a haiku is five beats. Mar y had a lamb – five beats. Which I’m sure you already know, duh on me. I can’t wait to read more. I wish you would put that last poem you wrote (a couple weeks ago, I think) front and center!!!! Hugs! 🙂

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    1. Wish it were that simple. I hated doing poetry for such a large part of my life 😦 Plus, it doesn’t help much that English isn’t my first language so I end up using a completely different formula to count those blasted syllables 😦

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